Sunday, April 21, 2013

4/16/2013- Green Bay Press-Gazette This cartoon was inspired by the events of the 2013 Boston Marathon Bombing. Depicted in this cartoon is Uncle Sam, a symbol of the United States as a whole. The cartoonist has Uncle Sam tying his running shoes as if getting ready to run. He also looks quite disheveled as if he has already run some way, the cartoons is alluding to the Boston Marathon, both in how Uncle Sam looks, but also with the sign the reads “Boston Marathon, 26.2” The other sign reads, “Boston Marathon Bombers, end of the earth,” the cartoonist is suggesting that the United States will do whatever is necessary to bring the bombers to justice. I strongly agree with this cartoon, I believe that what happened in Boston was a horrible tragedy and the people responsible should be tried for their crimes. The cartoonist created a solemn but determined tone within this cartoon, it was meant to inspire and reassure people. The look of determination that is set on Uncle Sam’s face implies that he truly does intend to run to the “ends of the earth” to catch these people.


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